Monday, July 08, 2013

Let Life Touch You

Recently went to Chennai, for me apart from visiting the beaches there is no fond memory of any kind of this place.

This time went to a place called Chrompet to meet a cousin of  mine, my cousin had given me a wrong address by mistake, as a result i was searching the place, very soon people started inquiring and they tried to help them with whatever clues i gave, where does she work etc.
It felt nice, the small colony doing there searches for me :) Finally did meet my cousin and checked in to a hotel.
At the Visa Consulate, met a girl who was behind me in the line, it was interesting to see her concern when i got late in one of the procedures. Some concerns are so heart warming.

As i getting ready to travel, winding stuff at home, a friend of mine offered me help of any kind back home once i was gone. His saying that was enough for me. Had another friend come over to my place to weigh my luggage. My new neighbor suggested we have dinner together on my last day, since it was raining, we ordered pizza and had at home with disposable paper as table.

Had a friend all set to receive me in US. Really feel, what am i complaining about :)

Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Happy New Year

Life like  river knows only to flow,On facing obstacles, it knows how to make new routes or overcome the hurdles
In the same way, may we act based on conscious to make new ways
May with each coming year, we grow deeper in wisdom and broader in compassion

Here's to a very happy new year!