Saturday, January 22, 2011

No One killed Jessica

Saw the movie 'No One killed Jessica' today, also read an article in Tehelka on how actually they carried out the stings and unearthed the facts.

The first thing that stuck me was how aware was i of all this, i did hear about the case but did not follow the proceedings to that much detail. I just felt that, if we as citizens of this country, do not remain alert to whats happening around and voice our opinion, India will become a place were things run as per the whims of rich and powerful.

I know lot is wrong even now...BJP CM refusing to step down though there is so much of proof against scams...victimization of people by police...the list goes on and on.

Will the educated masses think of relocating to other place as the only solution to deal with issues with the system? Who will clean the home then?

Tehalka magazine has definitely shown the power of media and what we as people can do if we identify with a problem...till we think of someone's issue/tragedy as just news to ponder for few minutes and move on in our routine drudgery, nothing will ever get fixed here....and we will just be living a life where all is happy and good, till nothing happens to me and my loved ones.

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